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CAVE Club Membership

Welcome! Once you fill out the form, check your Inbox for more details, how to access the Vault, and this week's sessions. 

I can't wait to see you inside! 💫

Important: During your free trial, no private 1:1 coaching is available. Personal coaching is available during group coaching when each member has individual time while other attendees (if any) observe. 

What People Are Saying:

CAVE Club is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am incredibly grateful for this safe space of acceptance and support.

I found everything I'd been looking for in Wendy and CAVE Club - support related to anxiety, making the time for self-care, life coaching, and executive coaching. I couldn't recommend it more!

CAVE Club is a game and life-changer. I'm already making changes to prioritize myself, feel less overwhelmed with work and family priorities, and work on both mental and physical wellness.

In just my first 3 weeks of workshops and coaching sessions in the Club, I've come away with so many strategies, and I have a sense of confidence and motivation that was missing before.